About the "Center for Workforce Transition"

Welcome to the CWT!

Lansing Community College's Center for Workforce Transition is located at Capital Area Michigan Works! The CWT provides information and assistance to adults looking to transition within the workforce...whether it is identifying career goals, gaining new skills and knowledge through Lansing Community College, or seeking assistance on job search techniques, the CWT is your one-stop partner.

Lansing Community College's Center for Workforce Transition is pleased to announce that it has expanded its programming to include workshops designed specifically for baby boomers looking to re-enter the job market. For more information on the Encore Plus 50 program attend an informational orientation meeting at Capital Area Michigan Works! Lansing Service Center on Tuesday, April 8th from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. If you have any questions, contact our staff at (517) 492-5580 or LCCAdvisor@camw.net.

Plus 50 Completion Initiative:
Lansing Community College has joined other community colleges in a national program designed to train 10,000 baby boomers for new jobs in healthcare, education, and social services. The program is sponsored by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). The college is part of the Plus 50 Encore Completion Program and seeks to assist adults age 50 and over in completing degrees or certificates within in-demand occupations that give back to the community. Please visit our website at lcc.edu/lifelong/encore for updated information on this program.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moving Day

I was too young to remember my first few "moving days".  Three of them happened before my first birthday.  After that, we moved when I was 10 years old...same town, just a different part of the city (population: 5,000).   Years later, when I was 16 we moved to a different state.  When I was 18 I moved over 700 miles to attend college.  Then, every year for the next seven years I moved twice a year...once into my new school-year digs and then again for my summer jobs.  When I was first married we moved three times in the first two years.  Each move was a little nicer than the previous move (which isn't saying a whole lot!).  Then, over the next two years we moved 900 miles to a new home, back 900 miles, then 500 miles, back 500 miles.  So, when it comes to moving, I'm pretty used to it.

Ten years ago I moved into my current work space...well, not exactly.  Actually, in 2005 the building's roof crashed and my work space was under 10 feet of rubble.  Our offices were moved next door for a year as the building was rebuilt (yes, different structure...steel reinforced).  So, technically, I moved into my current location, twice.

Today, I have several boxes stacked in my cubicle waiting to be filled.  Once again, it is moving day.  While I will still be working for the College, I will have new responsibilities in a new location.  I'll only be moving a few miles down the road so it won't be too difficult.  As well, I will return to this office on a weekly basis to continue working with some of the people and projects that are in place, or being planned.  So, it is kind of a move...sort of. 

Yet, the boxes have been here for two weeks.  I haven't packed a single one.  I'm not sure what I am most afraid of...cleaning out the drawers and sorting the 'to be moved' from the 'to be tossed' piles (which is a scary thought in and of itself); or, starting over in a new position and a new location.  Either way, it reflects another change in my life...not that change is bad.  Change is simply a transition from one thing/place/thought to another thing/place/thought.  But, sometimes, it is not necessarily so simple.

When I started here in 2001 it was me, just me.  Then, I hired my first student aide.  Since that time I have had many staff members come and go.  Some stayed for a short time.  Some longer.  As they were students, it was always a given that one day they would be 'moving' out; or, actually, moving on. 

I've become comfortable in my job and that is not necessarily a good thing.  I have always enjoyed a challenge, so, this transition will definitely be providing me with one.  That's where growth comes in.  Like it or not, we cannot grow without change.  Change offers us the opportunity to explore new challenges, meet new people, and make new decisions (which, by the way, may not always work out the way we want them to!).  Therefore, it is critical to acknowledge that change is part of our growth.  And, to be honest, we should all continue to grow...not just physically (which after a while is not a good thing), but mentally and spiritually, just to name a few. 

For adults returning to school, the change can be significant and possibly, a bit scary.  It is important to know that there are many adults going through this 'change' as they transition from one career/occupation to another.  The staff at Lansing Community College's Center for Workforce Transition (located in the Capital Area Michigan Works! Lansing Service Center) provide comprehensive services to those adults interested in attending the college.  We'll help walk individuals through the processes that need to be completed in order to successfully enroll in classes.  As well, we offer many resources to assist with the job search as new skills are gained.  Moving through a situation is probably a lot more stressful than moving from one location to another.  Support from knowledgeable staff can make the transition much smoother.  You won't need a lot of boxes, but, you will need the right tools to help map your move. 

For more information on how LCC's Center for Workforce Transition can assist you with retraining, please contact the staff at (517) 492-5580 or lccadvisor@camw.net.

To view the posting for each of the following Job Blasts, simple click on the Michigan Talent Bank (MTB) Job Posting number. 

Marsh Trucking (Lansing):  Experienced Dump Truck Driver,  MTB # 3079409

Outshiner Car Wash (Charlotte):  Car Wash Attendant,  MTB # 3079908

Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizer (St. Johns):
  • Accounts Receivable Manager (F/T):  MTB # 3079622
  • Open Entry Assistant (F/T):  MTB # 3079633
CATA (Lansing):  Motorcoach Operator,  MTB # 3079361

ZZ Scuba (Lansing):  Assistant Retail Manager,  MTB # 3078737

CS Management (Lansing):
  • Lawn Care Crew Member,  MTB # 3078030   FILLED
  • Labor Crew Member,  MTB # 3076041
  • Experienced Maintenance Worker,  MTB # 3076035  FILLED
  • Contracted Maid Service Worker,  MTB # 3076038
CBSG, Inc. (Lansing): 
Sparrow Hospital (Lansing): 
    Applications Systems Analysts (IT Professional),  MTB # 3078450


Sparrow, mid-Michigan's premier healthcare organization and the largest private employer in vibrant Greater Lansing, has recently invested $100 million in an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system that utilizes award-winning Epic software. 

Well-qualified IT professionals are invited to explore a career with Sparrow:
Tuesday, June 14th....4 to 7 p.m. at the Michigan State University Career Services facility located at 290 Spartan Way, East Lansing, MI  48824 (at the west end of the football stadium).  Park in the South Stadium Lot (Lot 79) on Shaw Lane and walk in the west side of the stadium.  Interviews will be conducted on-site so be sure to bring your resume!

Creative Concepts (East Lansing):  Sales/Trainer,  MTB # 3078374

Fenner Nature Center (Lansing):  Bookkeeper,  MTB # 3077715

To view additional posted job positions in a variety of occupations, visit the Michigan Talent Bank or Indeed.com.

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