I am often asked WHAT can Capital Area Michigan Works! and Lansing Community College do for me?
What's so great is the partnership with Lansing Community College and Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) to assist adults with education and training opportunities. Since 2001, Lansing Community College has had offices in the CAMW! Lansing Service Center. In addition to assisting with enrollment services, we also offer workshops on identifying in-demand careers, job search techniques, re-employment strategies for adults 50 and older, and much more. For a list of our current workshops, visit our website.
What's so great is the partnership with Lansing Community College and Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW!) to assist adults with education and training opportunities. Since 2001, Lansing Community College has had offices in the CAMW! Lansing Service Center. In addition to assisting with enrollment services, we also offer workshops on identifying in-demand careers, job search techniques, re-employment strategies for adults 50 and older, and much more. For a list of our current workshops, visit our website.
For more information on WHAT Capital Area Michigan Works! and Lansing Community College can do for you, it is a good idea to attend the Employability Express Workshops. Here's an overview:
Is an overview of resources available through Capital Area Michigan
Works!, local partners, and others for an effective job search. Please bring a
printed copy of your public profile from your Pure Michigan Talent Connect
profile (www.mitalent.org), a printed copy of the
resume that you have attached to that Pure Michigan Talent Connect profile, and
a pen or pencil. Please
register in advance at http://tinyurl.com/lpowy8l
Upcoming Dates:
March 25th @ 3:30
April 2nd @ 2:00
April 9th @ 2:00